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Yoga Nidra

Mittwoch 20:00 Uhr / 45 Minuten The Space Zürich, Josefstrasse 130 Lektion 25.- / Anschluss 20.-

Vor Ort bezahlen
Josefstrasse 130, 8005 Zürich Eingang über Hinterhof, Gasometerstr. 23


Yoga Nidra is mainly practiced as a meditation where deep relaxation is the by-product. In the Raja Yoga of Patanjali, the fifth limb of Ashtanga yoga is called Pratyahara where the mind and mental awareness are dissociated from the sensory channels and turned inwards. In Yoga Nidra we do the same, we turn our senses inwards but stay aware and awake.

Bevorstehende Sessions

Umbuchung & Kündigung

Deine Anmeldung kann 24h vor Beginn der Klasse per E-mail abgesagt werden.


Zürich, Schweiz

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